Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Studying abroad is a basis for a well-rounded education. You meet new people, new culture, and find new approaches to the education process. For a student, this is the first step to adulthood. Thousands of students apply for the scholarship in foreign countries, but only some of them succeed with their cover letter and get the chance to continue their education. A few students write cover letters by themselves, other prefer to order papers for a guaranteed result. However, getting a scholarship is not necessarily means joining the program. There are many preparation points that can ruin this dream. Here, we collected a list of 10 things that you need to do to study abroad after you have received an invitation from a university.
1.Check your documents:
First of all, you need to have a valid passport. If you do not have a document that allows you to stay abroad, you will not be able to visit the country.
Also, you need to apply for a visa. Visa gives you a legal permission to stay in a foreign country with a certain purpose. To find out all restriction, limits, and requirements for a visa, contact the embassy and consulate representatives. They will give you direct instructions on what you should do and what documents to provide to receive a visa for studying.
2. Get insurance:
Being a guest of another country, you need to have valid travel insurance. It will cover all the expenses in case you get some problems with your health, if your luggage is lost in the airport, or if someone steals your personal belongings.
3. Buy a ticket to the plane or a bus :

Transfer in not included to your scholarship. Take care of your tickets. Buy them in advance to get a good discount. Besides, some travel agents have special prices for students. Check them before you buy a full-price ticket.
4. Visit your therapist :
It is better to take care of all health problems in advance. Medical insurance sometimes does not cover the expenses connected with some diseases. It will be more convenient for you to solve all problems with your therapist than with a person who does not speak your language and does not know your case record.
5. Learn the language:
If you travel to the country where people speak the language that you do not know, it is better to take several language classes in advance. First weeks of studying and living abroad will be extremely tough and complicated if you do not know the language at all.
6. Learn the culture :
Before you go to live in another country, you need to get acquainted with its culture and customs. It will give you confidence, and additionally you will be able to become a part of society faster.
7. Take care of your money :
First, check the currency of the country where you are going to study. Secondly, make sure that you have a credit card available for usage abroad. Next, find out everything on the banking methods used in this country. If you plan to stay for a while, check the opportunity to create an account at a local bank. Also, prepare some cash beforehand. You will need money in case you have some problems with your credit card.
8. Find a place to stay :
Sometimes, scholarship does not include campus housing. It means you should find a place to stay. Check the availability of dormitories and fees for campus housing. Also, consider renting a flat if you have enough finances for this option.
9. Pack you baggage :
Do not take too many clothes even if you stay for a while. It is better to buy necessary clothes when you get there. If you still want to take your stuff, check the local weather forecast. Perhaps, you do not need sweaters and parkas, as you are going to study at Spanish south coast.
10. Join the community:
The best way to find answers to all your questions is to join the community of your university. Check the Facebook page or contact the representatives of the University to find out who can help you with your further actions to study abroad.
Studying abroad, you are subjected to the local laws and customs. Make sure that you prepare you legal basis as well as you prepare mentally to living in a new country. Enjoy this experience and make it benefit for your life!


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