Wednesday, November 16, 2016


CV’s are usually the first time a recruiter comes into contact with you yet there are cv mistakes that most candidates makes that put recruiters off.
Do you know that a recruiter has only a maximum of 6 seconds to check your CV and determine if you are the appropriate candidate for the job?
This is why it is extremely important that your CV does not contain unnecessary mistakes that can jeopardize your chance of landing the job interview.

For every single job vacancy, about 100 potential job seekers apply. Recruiters, therefore don’t have the luxury of time to look through each and every piece of information on your CV. Rather, they have been trained to look for certain things in your CV.
Your CV should do one thing for you. Get you a chance to come in for the job interview.
How do you achieve this?
Simply by avoiding the deadliest CV mistakes most job seekers are making.
Here are the 9 deadliest CV mistakes you should avoid.
  1. An unprofessional email address– Avoid meaningless and unprofessional email. I once saw a CV that has as the email address. I am not sure any recruiter will want to send an email to that address. Rather, get an email that contains your name.
  2. Meaningless cliches – Cliche words are words that are vague, over-used and non-descriptive.
  3. Skill graphs that show no real indication of your skills– Use an indication of skill that shows real tangible results.
  4. Adding images especially photographs– Images are not necessary except if you are applying for the role of a web designer where you may want to showcase your skills or if you are applying for the role of a model.
  5. Too many pages – The average length of a CV is 2 pages.
  6. Unexplained gaps – You may not be able to prevent gaps within your work experience but you should be able to explain everything.
  7. Spelling and grammar mistakes– Nothing turns off a recruiter more than a CV with lots of grammatical errors. Read, read and proof-read again.
  8. Elaborate fonts – Elaborate fonts may make it difficult to read your cv. Avoid using unnecessary use of fonts. Use save font like Arial.
  9. Avoid large chunk of text– Make your CV readable. Break large paragraph into smaller pieces of unit text.


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